Today I bring you a recipe for "Tex-Mex Meatloaf," which is just a twist on traditional meatloaf. I will say this - it had been years since I made this, mostly because I'd forgotten about it. I served with black beans, but also wished I'd had some yellow rice or cornbread as another side.
Let's get started! You will need:
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 can of corn, drained
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup of oats (or a handful, up to you)
1.5 cups of salsa
2 eggs
1/4 tablespoon of salt
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms (optional)
Pre-heat oven to 375. Combine all ingredients together as if you were making regular meatloaf, reserving 1/2 cup of salsa. Put in pan or baking dish and put the remaining salsa on top (as you might w/ketchup on regular meatloaf). Top with a light amount of shredded cheese (optional). Bake for 50-60 minutes.
I wanted to share are a few notes...
This meatloaf, made "as-is" above, has a little less "kick" than TJ and I prefer. We just felt like it was missing something. Here are some ideas I have for next time:
-using "hotter" salsa
-adding a can of chopped green chiles
-adding enchilada sauce to the top
-adding a small amount of chili powder to the meat mixture
If you try it, I hope you love it!
What's in your recipe box? Do you have a recipe for Tex-Mex meatloaf that you can share?